on 'the psychological lurking lady'
i often times have the lurking feeling that there's always like secretly some nosy type of psychologist/sociologist lady out there somewhere... (very cryptically and 'unknown' out there somewhere.. mind you...) Who is secretly watching-over all of my beautiful Blogging Activities, and who does have this secret goal/ultimate intention of like Writing Grand Expositions about me....As me being like 'The Grand-Ultimate Bizarro-Blogging-Freak-Sociopath of the Century" ...or something similar to that..... (....After I become famous and very fucking rich in the future from doing all of this blogging related stuff that is....) .....But you know what Lady? ...Let me explain this all to you.... Sometimes certain young men out there like to get in front of the computer and just utterly annihilate these fucking Blogs.... And in that whole process of Blogg-Annihilation... many various/different/manifold Creative Approaches are taken.... and many, many, various different tendencies are bound to occur in that whole process. For instance, sometimes it might be 'darker' or even arguably like... Almost even seeming highly fucking 'sinister' and very 'weird' to an on-looker..... though sometimes it may be very kind, and 'genuinely Loving' types of creative approaches... Sometimes it might be very positive, and uplifting.... Beautiful.... perhaps 'scary'.... 'magnificent'..... Respectful..... Very Respectful, in fact..... (a lot more than most people e.v.e.r. pick-up-on... or seem to properly recognize....) Splendorous.... downright fucking Otherworldly...and any/all manner of any other type and variety of Creative Artistic Approaches and Expressions.. which could ever possibly occur within those 'Polarities'.... All sorts of things are bound to go down...... Ok Lady? ....And... I swear, this hypothetical non/existent and/or possibly really, truly Real and Existent Lady out there really freaks me the fuck out. Because I'm telling you.... this Lady is potentially attempting to promulgate heinous acts and immoral Transgressions upon me in my own personal and private Creative Blogging Procedures, and my Artistic and Creative Methods that I often utilize.....Because I know there is one of these goddamn Ladies out there somewhere.... like 'examining' my goddamn blogging activities (purely just because they're so beautiful and fascinating to begin with probably....) and I do guarantee that this lady thinks that she is very 'sharp'... and very 'correct'... and 'professional'... in all of her fucking evaluations, and all of her various different 'decisions' that she makes, and as well as the conclusions that she ultimately comes to about everything, etc.... and I do also downright guarantee that she is No Good in the sack either.... Rest assured about that shit right there as Factual Evident Truth..... And anyway, this lady.... Does.. seriously fucking freak me out.... and all I really have to say in regard to that at this time is this: Look Lady..,.. Some people out there.. sometimes just like to absolutely fucking utterly annihilate these fucking blogs in many various different creative ways and approaches ....And they are fucking somewhat 'extreme' sometimes ok? ...I state this with True Conviction right now, and it is all based around and written in this certain attempt to Defend Myself from this Hypothetically fucking Lurking Lady out there...... this Psychological/sociological Woman... with a goddamn clip-board.. and since I have now sat here and clearly elucidated all of this thoroughly to this very up-tight, and very fucking lame woman, just exactly how it is... that young men get onto these goddamn computers and just creatively and beautifully fucking Obliterate these Goddamn Blogg-Things... I have now actually just (In advance....) Completely Debunked, Made Moot, and Fucked-Up this goddamn ladies entire little 'plan' here.... I have taken her fucking entire Thesis, and all of her foot-notes, and citations.... and every fucking paragraph, sentence, and little word of hers.... and just dumped it into the junk-fest-trash-can-fucking-shitter.... Eternally. I have actually just snatched them away from her, and then Outright Fucking Shat Upon Them.... So..... Lady.... just do not even try.... and do not even Fuck with Shrine-Khonstruktor-Unifracctur like that please..... And the other thing about all of this is that.... I do also absolutely guarantee you.... that this Lady kind of has The Hots for me, but I do not have The Hots for her at all... (I'm sorry lady...) And, furthermore..... I do also absolutely guarantee that this Lady.. while observing all of this complex and beautiful shit that I do execute and maneuver-thru so fucking Masterfully on here on an on-going daily basis that nobody even recognizes or knows about.... Already does kind of have the ultimate goal and plan of assembling this Psychological case-study of me.. where she Ultimately is then just Forced to Admit In the end... Like, something along the lines of like... This, for instance: "This Shrine constructing maniac is without a doubt one of the most Freakishly Bizarre downright Socio-pathic Blogging-Master Mofuggas I have ever encountered in my Entire fucking life....
However, this Shrine-fiend right here... is also... Without a doubt.....By Far..... the Highest Level Freakazoid Genius-Fucker that has Ever Walked the face of this fucking Earth.... this Genius fucker right here...This so-called 'Shrine-Khonstruktor-Unifracctur' fucker..... makes that hoary old Dead German fucker Schopenhauer seem comparatively very 'Normal'.... All things considered...."
--[END fucking case study right there] .......
.....And it's for that exact very reason right there..... That within the next few weeks, to the next few months possibly... I am going to merge that which follows below into my Grand List & Links Content list.... (Like somewhere in-between all the little Inverted Crosses and all that other beautiful random shit that goes-on within all of that specific section of stuff....) and it's in the form of quotations too.... Like, as in.... Yeah, you know.... As In (We) ...the form of it being uttered by somebody out there in the world... Who Isn't (Me)...... Speaking About Me:
".....That fucking Shrine-Khonstruktor-Unifracctur Mother-fucker....
..............Is Thee Sickest Mother-fucker.......
...............That has Ever Lived.....
So, that right there above.... Is (in future times) going to be become incorporated into my Grand Links & List Content Section..... (which is a highly fucking Genius Grand-List by the way.... you people should occasionally be s.c.o.p.i.n.g. it, and admiring it from time to time..... Because it does contain some Real Doozys contained within it....Very beautiful.... and fucking downright Funny Things I'm telling you......
...Lastly.... To end this article here today about this goddamn wretched Lurking Lady, I want it to be known that I can't actually merge that Written Thing up there (above) into my links and List content until like at least a few weeks to a few months after i do really, truly become extremely famous.... and rich as well...from all of this shit.... doing all of this beautiful shit on here like this.... for all you Good Homies out there to Enjoy.... and all you other random people out there to genuinely Enjoy as well.... and you just never do, of course....You simply just outright Refuse to Enjoy Things.... However, make no mistake about this.... I do Not.... do any of this shit....to become famous or rich...Not at all.... not one bit.... I actually just do it all.. mostly out of complete and utter fucking boredom. And sometimes just out of complete and utter Outright Fascination. With a Great Many Things.
And the absolute last thing to be expressed here today is this: For some reason I had that Trill hitta J. Prince in mind while i was writing all this just now... And I do love that hitta. A lot, in fact. And I think i just kinda imagined him like reading this article, and somehow just like.... instead of acting like a fucking hater... Like, just actually being able to recognize how goddamn funny and absurd it all is..... Like, somehow.... Some Way..... For A Change of Pace..... like, this little notion of people somehow like just re-discovering what Humor Is again...... I do not fucking care how goddamn evil and sardonic that humor may seem.
: thank you people :
: love... and sincere salutations to Everyone :
Eternally & Forever Enshroomed in Potent-Mystical-Magical-Might
P.S. -- I want my Trill O.G. Gangster J.y Prince to just always and forever Be Blessed, and be very happy in his life. And i swear to you.... That is the fucking truth right there.... I absolutely Love that Hitta..... I Salute that dude on high levels indeed.
".....That fucking Shrine-Khonstruktor-Unifracctur Mother-fucker....
..............Is Thee Siccest Mother-fucker.......
...............That has Ever Lived.....
"...........in a huge fuccing way...."
: - shrine-khonstruktor-unifracctur - :
u gunna thoroughly disgest this fuccing shroom
and just so that people can be aware..... although i rarely disclose this sort of thing openly when it does go down like this:
Yeah, this article is mostly just a big huge joke. It's like 60% just an absurd 'joke article', but that 40% of it that is True and Real... is all of the most Beautiful and Truly Loving Things that are contained within it. And i swear on that too.... and yes, there is Indeed a lot of beautiful and loving things in it too.... If you will just read it closely and come to notice it all.
u gunna thoroughly digest this fuccing shroom now
(Most...) of Unifraktur's Pen Names & (Longer...) Pen Name Signatures:
Shrine Lord
Shrine Lord O.G. Reefa Chiefa
Shrine Lord-tha-Unholy-Blogg-Slaughterer
Psy Lord
Shroom Lord
Brain Lorde
Blade Lord
Kat Lorde
Batt Lord Triumphant
W.3.3.d. Lorde
Unifraktur Triumphant
Unifraktur Ever-lasting
(Longer) Pen Name..Official Signatures:
Heavily Enshroomed Ever-lasting Magical Might
Shrine-Khonstruktor-Unifraktur Eternally & Forever Enshroomed in Potent-Mystical-Magical-Might
O.G. Shroom-lorde-Unifraktur E. 1999 E.t.e.r.n.a.l.-Xtra-Heavy Reefa Chiefa Ever-lasting-Legacy-Amplified-in-Irrevocable-Enshroomed-Magical-Might
....And you shall now smoke all that.
....And you shall now get extremely fucking Lifted.... and Stoned....offa all of those bizarre fucking word phormations right there above..... That all do ultimately only Exist... for you to Enjoy.
: thank you people :